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A bass player needs to take a first step, courage anyone?

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Hello there !

I think I've been playing bass for almost 1 1/2 year now, I think I have pretty much mastered the basics and now learing new techniques(slapping for satisfying my ear mostly), I'm a self learner, with e-books I found over the internet and sheet music from plain rock basslines (from C to D on A string) to some Jaco and Wooten songs(anyone ever played the whole Sex In a Pan?i want some mp3 to prove to myself that a moral can play it also) and anyway I just want to say that I can play along a song with my bass.

The point is that I want to try more, meaning to play with other people and eventually in a band. A friend of mine bought a drum set together with me but he doesn't seem like after that time to can play any song until now or fit the patterns with some fillers so we just play what it comes down.

Where should I start looking to fit in with other musicians? I certainly cannot call my self a musician.. over the internet?we have greek forums,I'm from Greece yes, also I've seen on shops a hundred of posts asking for people to form a band but I don't know my level! true! I think people would be way over my league and I will be just hitting C all the time in a weird pace. I think it's harder that even my first date, no wait.. kiss!
To think only that I'm 24 years old I've seen people, 15 year old kids grooving perfectly with the bass and guitar.

I think it must be that the few people listen to me play until now and most of them don't care much about music(most of them don't know what is a bass) so to tell me if I'm a beginner or more. I'm weird also with my music style, I listen to what is not at all hard to play like pop punk, hard rock etc. but I find it boring on the bass and always after practice I try to play something more melodic and funky than rythmic.

What is wrong with me?

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There's nothing wrong with you! Take some guidance from your posts title .... "Courage, Anyone?" Take two or three of those posts from the shops and make contact. Tell them how long you've been playing, that you have no real experience in a band setting, but that you are looking to join a band. Ask them if they would be willing to jam with you to see how you might fit into whatever it is that they're doing. The worst that could happen is that they say "No". I don't think that will kill you!!! Keep doing it again and again until someone says "Yes". The least you'll get out of it is the opportunity to play with other people (even if it's only once or twice) and perhaps, the chance to learn something about the way a band operates. The most you'll get out of it is the opportunity to play with a band!

Without hearing you, I can't really tell you where you are, i.e., beginner, intermediate, etc.... People progress at different rates. Some who have been playing a year and a half can fit in perfectly with a band, while others can still barely keep the rhythm. Can you post a sound clip?

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-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ -:¦:- Elecktrablue -:¦:-

"Don't wanna ride no shootin' star. Just wanna play on the rhythm guitar." Emmylou Harris, "Rhythm Guitar" from "The Ballad of Sally Rose"

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the drummer and guitarist pretty much tell you what to play. To start find tthe root of every chord in the progression, its normal to ask what the chord progression is ahead of time. Once you have the feel of the chords, you can add something and figure out a fitting bassline. The drummer and the bass should be locked together holding down the rhythm.

And the best way to learn is by playing with other people. Make sure to always listen to the band and figure out how you can add something to the overall sound. You don't even really have to join a band, just ask anyone who plays anything that you meet to try jamming sometime.

"And above all, respond to all questions regarding a given song's tonal orientation in the following manner: Hell, it don't matter just kick it off!"
-Chris Thile

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I second what's been said so far - find a jam, host a jam, get out and jam.

If you're not ready to try out for a band, then jamming is a good first step - from it you'll get a sense of playing with people with no strings attached. Then you can move up to a band environment.

I've been playing bass for less time than you - but there's only so far I could go unaccompanied my own. Having jammed several times has worked wonders for my playing. Nothing fancy or fomal, just a few guitars and another bass player having a good time. (and yes I was immensely nervous the first time playing with others - so some courage is required - but the feeling passed rather quickly).


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I've been playing bass roughly about the same time, maybe a little longer. I decided to buy a bass so I could play it on my own recordings, so at first all I did was just practise the bass line I was going to use on a particular song. However, I found out I wasn't getting very far with it. So what I did was open my Windows Media library - I've got LOTS of music on there! - put the selection on random and play bass to whatever came on. I still do this about 4-5 times a week, and my playing has improved a HECK of a lot.

I also used to go to an acoustic jam in a local pub every tuesday night - as I got better on bass, I asked if anyone would mind if I took the bass in one week. Nobody did, so occasionally - about one week in four - I'd take the bass and play along. Not only did I find it fairly easy to play along with songs I knew, but after a while I found that by watching the guitarist's hands I could follow the changes even if I didn't know the song too well.

So I'd say pluck up that courage, answer some of those ads and find some like-minded people to play with. Better still, put your own advert up describing yourself and the kind of music you want to play. Someone else may just find the courage to approach you!

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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thanks for your replies!

they really gave me a boost you know, I posted my own ad saying exactly what I know, 1 1/2 year of playing, zero band experience, my influences and that I really want to play with others and learn. To tell you the truth I got 4 replies with people wanting to jam with me and see if I can join their band. I will try as much as I can.

I hope they don't give m,e 10 songs to learn in a day...

Thanks again guys (and gals) I will post again for my progress on this :)


Illustrious Member
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Good luck!

Well we all shine on--like the moon and the stars and the sun.
-- John Lennon

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Adding my Good Luck as well to your bass ventures.

You have come far in 1.5 years. Keep practicing, jamming and above all - having fun.


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Play with other people!!!

It can't be said enough. Whether you are playing with other bassists, or guitarists, or drummers, or any combination, your playing will improve.

I've jammed on guitar with other people several times. I just did some jamming on bass with someone else for the first time today. It was funny, I was nervous, even though I'm not nervous jamming on guitar. It turned out really well, and I'm even going to record some bass for the guy I was jamming with for his originals!

Also, knowing that I'm going to be playing with other people makes me practice more, b/c I want to be good when I do.

~Mike the Redneck Rocker.

"The only two things in life that make it worth living are guitars that tune good and firm feeling women" - Waylon

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Just an update..

I went to meet the drummer of one band here were they are searching for a bassist. I listened to their recorded music,talk about their targets he gave me their playlist.
I'm going to jam with them this Wednesday, and learn 2 songs to play with the whole band this weekend.

Oh! I forgot.. they are playing '60s & '70s rock and blues. I really never played that kind of music but I want to really try and widen my music horizons.
I think I have to study some 12 bar blues tonight and be ready for the jam tomorrow, they won't appreciate any 16ths C on A (!)


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Vangelis, congratz on the "gig".

Jamming with people will open you up like nothing before - even if it's not your preferred style!

Once you find your groove, things should start falling into place for you. And some simple 12 bar blues should be just the ticket for you. Depending on the arrangement and attitude, it should allow for you to express yourself a bit, once you get comfortable. Who knows, maybe they wanted some 16ths all along, and just didn't know it... :twisted:

Run with it, and have a great time - thats what it's all about! The worst that they can tell you is.. "uh, stop that dude."


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Interesting thing about playing bass is that you NEED to play with other people, but it doesn't matter what type of music. Guitarist, keyboardist can play solo, but playing bass will improve when with others, especially a good drummer. I have to say that when I played bass in bands, I always improved when there was a drummer that was difficult to keep up with. Forced improvement. Lots of fun.

btw, welcome to the forum

Brain-cleansing music for brain-numbing times in a brain dead world

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Great! :D Keep us posted! :D

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-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ -:¦:- Elecktrablue -:¦:-

"Don't wanna ride no shootin' star. Just wanna play on the rhythm guitar." Emmylou Harris, "Rhythm Guitar" from "The Ballad of Sally Rose"

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Sounds like you got a good start.

Good luck and keep us posted.


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

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ok guys I'm happy yes I'm rEaLLY happy!

Saturday night I Had my first live performance!! omg it was awesome! not much time(7 songs only) it was a festival and 6 bands played that night but it was long enough to get me moving and smiling when we played "have love will travel"

I can't express my feelings correctly but hey! can you remember your first gig? that`s exactly how I feel!

you can check some gig photos at myspace page

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